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                Zero2IPO Group started its business in 2000 and is a leading venture capital and private equity service provider and a well-known investment firm in China. The two business models—Zero2IPO Ventures and Zero2IPO Partners drive the strategic layout in the VC/PE market.

                Zero2IPO is committed to providing the industry with leading venture capital and private equity service that covers every process of equity investment. Zero2IPO Ventures went public on the HKEx (HKG: 1945) in 2020. Its online and offline multi-platform and matrix products and services built in the past 20 years have become the “infrastructure” of China‘s venture capital and private equity market. Zero2IPO boasts seven businesses: Zero2IPO Research, Zero2IPO Media, Zero2IPO SandHill College, Zero2IPO Innovation Center, Zero2IPO Entrepreneur, Zero2IPO International and Zero2IPO Capital. It also covers PEDATA MAX, PEdaily.cn, Deal Market, Sandhill College and Zero2IPO Securities, providing timely, accurate and effective data statistics, information, investment and financing matching, online learning and investment banking services for the industry.

                Zero2IPO Partners includes Zero2IPO Venture Capital, Zero2IPO FOF and Zero2IPO Industry Investment. The total asset under management exceeds 30 billion yuan, and it has invested in more than 200 enterprises and more than 100 sub-funds. It focuses on medical and health, information technology, intelligent manufacturing, new consumption, innovative sci-tech and other sectors.
