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                Zero2IPO FOF is one of China’s professional FOF management firms. Relying on 20 years of profound understanding and practice of China's VC/PE market, Zero2IPO FOF has become a trust-worthy platform for private equity FOF and equity asset allocation. Zero2IPO FOF, with excellent management team and profound industry resources, has reached wide connections with government guidance funds, institutional investors and individual LP group. It has achieved remarkable results since its establishment. It manages six phases of FOF and has completed the investments of over 130 funds and enterprises, covering over 1,500 member enterprises. By virtue of its long-term dedication in the industry and excellent performance, Zero2IPO FOF has won the award of "Private Equity, Fund of Funds" in three consecutive years of 2020-2022  from the international authoritative media The Asset.

                Contact: AlisaWei 010-84535220-8315